Monday, October 15, 2007

The Carers Alliance

Well mum is all settled in and seems to be happy where she is. We have been catching up on a lot of sleep and I think it will take us some time to fully recover from the last 12 months of caring. I know that my health has suffered and I am just plain exhausted.

It is carers week here in Australia and a study was released today showing that carers have the "lowest level of well being of any group in society". 56% of carers in Australia suffer from depression, compared to 6% of the general population. They also suffer financial disadvantage as a result of caring responsibilities. This article is definitely worth reading and I am glad that someone is finally putting some money into research. What we need is more money and services for carers, particularly parents with disabled children.

We are also about to have an election here in Australia and a new party, The Carers Alliance, has formed to try and win seats in the senate. You can join the party for free, I have joined, and they will be getting my vote. Take a look at the site to check out the candidates and their policies.

I have worked for many years as a professional carer, yet 12 months of caring has exhausted me mentally, physically, and financially more than all those years put together. Now is the time for me and my family to try and recuperate, rebuild and then move forward with our lives. Not everyone is as fortunate as me to find a placement so quickly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your time -- you've deserved it. I hope that your strength is back soon. Keep eating well. D